Kristin Larsen

Ideas That Ignite Curiosity To Love With Courage!

A Choice For Being In The Struggle

Is there a choice for being in the struggle?

It would seem simple to say, “I can choose not be in the struggle” when you are so far in it.

It is all encompassing in the moments of suffering. It can feel like there is no way out. A continuous cycle that keeps pulling you in.

It becomes part of you. Add the compiled emotions that layer the perspectives within the experience. It evolves into a momentous journey of coping through resistance.

Focusing on the struggle and devoting all energy to it’s resistance. You become part it, and it becomes part of you.

You begin to identify as the struggle. It is not separate from you. You are the struggle.

It becomes consuming. Depleting available energy and resources.

Everyone faces struggle at some point. I wonder, how long does it have to last?

The unconscious awareness of choice

There is a common acceptance of living in victimhood from reinforced thoughts of believing in a diminished self worth. Anger and blame are the easiest and most obvious forms of asserting a sense of control for the situation.

The unconscious choice that is always available that isn’t commonly realized is the acknowledgement of responsibility.

When the deeper sources of personal accountability are acknowledged, a shift begins to occur in other perspectives that someone  recognizes. The thoughts follow and the expansion of possibility and opportunity enter the lens of one’s reality.

The ego eases it’s grip from wanting to be in complete control to do what it does best, to help someone establish safety in their survival mode of operation.

Compassion is allowed to assist with the formulation of new interpretations of the experience. An invitation to be part of an aligned solution to move forward.

What is the investment into the struggle?

An awakening happens with the realization of how much time and energy is being invested in the struggle.

What starts off as a seed of trust, blossoms into an emergence of emotional fortitude inside yourself. A reborn faith in optimism.

“The world is not against me. I only perceived it that way.” A deeper question of clarity forms, “If I am supported, what is possible now? What am I capable of now?”

Changing of the seasons

The aliveness returns. It was a journey. A process filled with learning.

“What did I learn in that journey?”

“How would I approach another struggle differently in the future?”

The season of change is inside me. My perception was formed in my thoughts. I didn’t see my choices available to me at the time.

I may encounter a struggle again, but I now know it can change like the seasons. With the change of seasons, I can adapt. I will survive. I get to make choices that nourish me, that lift my spirits.

I am not my struggle. I am not the suffering.

I can acknowledge and honor the thoughts of my struggle, but my intention is  _________.

I AM ______.

A life struggle is a perception that invites a choice to redefine who I choose to be in the thoughts it creates.

The Tipping Point For Transformation

When does the tipping point for transformation happen?

It is always how it has been for me, why do things need to change now?

The tipping point for transformation might feel like it happens when things reach a point where an internal movement is felt and contains confusion, igniting an inner revolt to transform into a new vision of possibility. While the pull to change is strong, the need to transform presents an invitation that is impossible to decline.

A question is proposed, “Is it the need to change or the need to transform?”

While change is focused on shifting the dynamics of the external environment, transformation transcends deeper into the inner world of who we are. (or who we think we are)

The confusion could arise from the attachment to remain in an established routine in a lived reality, yet knowing there is a yearning of something different in contrast to that reality.

There is a legitimate fear of breaking free from the patterns and experiences that have created that reality.

Within that fear of breaking free are the intricate questions we ask ourselves; Am i capable? Can I trust myself? Am I enough as a person to make the necessary changes to create a new reality both internally and externally.

Doubts manifest because of the uncertainty of venturing into the unknown. What would it be like navigating, operating in a vastly different realm than what has been established?

The human makeup is extraordinary. We have the ability to adapt to any situation. It is part of our survival instinct.

There could be situations or durations of experienced hardships that become a way of living, even though they don’t have to be.

It is familiar and known regardless of the detriment it might be causing to remain in that state of being.

When You Feel The Compulsion To Shift

New questions begin to form. The focus moves to a process that sheds the layers of who we thought we were.

The struggle is no longer viewed as the form of a separate self.

The beautiful part in the process is the formulation of consciousness that accesses self knowing through the evolution of limitless possibility residing in our soul.

As part of the expansion of self, new beliefs are formed to replace the learned one’s that no longer serve their purpose today.

We get to acknowledge they did serve a purpose at one point in time. The old self wants to maintain the known ways of functioning and seeing the world in a familiar perception in order to feel safe.

Navigating the new reality

The new self wants to create a new reality aligned with possibilities and serves the values which guide the direction of life choices.

“Who do I choose to be” is the guiding beacon which illuminates the path forward through the unknown. Having courage to face the fears which prevent moving forward.

The process of transformation accelerates when resistance is released. There must be a willingness to surrender in it’s unfolding. Realizing that what is happening is for me and not to me.

The struggle is reduced when the choice is made to take accountability for being in the experiences in their entirety.

Fears will arise throughout the process. That’s ok.

We want to feel safe.

We want to feel like we are on solid ground.

We want to rationalize everything that is occurring in the moment.

We want to trust the journey is worth the imposing challenges.

A profound awakening defines the need to transform.

A realization is formed;

The need to transform outweighs the fear of what might be lost in the process of inner revolution.

……the process of transformation begins…….

Awakening From Sleep Walking Through Life

Bringing back feelings from being numb in life

Everyday stress and suffering over time becomes a self defense of numbness that is carried
around each day.

It may feel like, “always going through the motions in life.”
Not wanting to feel the hurtful or painful feelings. It pushes away the other emotions that are
wanting to be experienced. The joy, the gratitude, the possibility, the wonder within each day.

It is extraordinary how a perspective shifts that numbness. Refocusing on what brings life and
energy into each moment.
It no longer feels like things are “going through the motions.”
There is a purpose and commitment to feel again. A revitalized awakening that slowly opens
vision to exciting possibilities.
The realization that intention must be focused on the thoughts which demand attention to be

The emotions need to be processed, acknowledged and accepted. A gentle handling without
judgement. An openness to refrain from judging the judgement of the emotions. Shame and
guilt are not wrong. They are sending me a message to uncover what they are trying to tell me.

Offering the choice to let go of suffering

The one small step of being in the presence of thought and emotion begins to shift perspective.
The soul wants to wake up.

It wants to be seen, it wants to be heard.
It is waiting for permission.
Each passing day that the soul is asleep, it becomes restless.
Continually trying to attract attention.

All the soul truly wants is to be reunited with the heart. To be guided in life with connected trust and courage.

Break the continual pattern of numbing out in an attempt to feel better through extreme
satiations that fill the void.
Binge watching, screen scrolling, addiction choosing activities to quiet the mind and avoid
Fear of the attempt to break free from the safe space that has been established.
Curiosity and self discovery await a committed focus.

Begin to explore the questions,

“What wants to be acknowledged?”

“What part of me wants to be heard?”

“What would I rather be experiencing instead?”

“What do I need, what is required of me?”

Let my soul awaken from it’s slumber.

Let it breathe the fullness of being alive again.
Let the healing begin.
Let the unravelling be revealed.
Allow the transformation to unfold within.
May I see the vibrant colors of life.
May I be grateful for this moment I chose to see.

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