Kristin Larsen

Ideas That Ignite Curiosity To Love With Courage!

Negative Self Talk Dilemma

The Inner Voice Guidance

There is an inner voice we all have that is communicating. If you think it is muted, you might be unconsciously aware of what is being communicated internally.

The challenge is cultivating the awareness to hear when the inner voice is speaking. Move through the conflict of the negative self talk dilemma. Many people think if they choose to listen they might have to do or be what the voice is communicating. Taking what is being said as “truth.”

I have found that by choosing not to acknowledge the voice, it continues to get intensified, trying to get my attention.

The inner voice can either be mentally building us up or tearing us down.

It can be the difference between choosing resilience to be in a state we want or give up on the vision of what is possible. The term “giving up” can mean many things.

 What Giving Up Could Mean

  • allow a moment of challenge to define disempowerment
  • admit defeat or failure without a take-away
  • obstruct the flow of creative genius
  • forfeit self worth
  • ignore the choice of perspectives and possibilities
  • reject personal capability
  • denial of faith or hope
  • concede that there is no other way

There could be many more meanings that could be formed from one’s personal life definitions of “giving up.”

What remains to be true is the negative self talk aspects that limit the beliefs surrounding the idea or vision of “what is possible.”

What Does Negative Self Talk Really Mean

The goal of negative self talk is safety. The positive intention behind this type of communication is to avoid or prepare for the painful feelings derived from the mentally draining thoughts that create them. The perception that it won’t be as much of a shock if it happens because it was expected.

Learning to Shift the Negative Self Talk

The negative self talk can be appreciated when the intention is known. It’s meaning can be open to change. It does not have to mean it is the truth. When that aspect of “untruth” is acknowledged, a new insertion of meaning can be explored.

The self talk can be transformed into a new realm of positivity and empowered thoughts.

The transformation is possible because of choice. Choosing an intention for thought and becoming aligned in those thoughts.

Some chosen intentions to become aligned in thought could be; compassion, gratitude, trust, love, courage, curiosity, etc.

Whatever the chosen intentions are, they reflect the need to act on one’s potential, performance, possibility and purpose.

Courage over-rides the fears;

The fears of failing

The fears of doubting.

The fears of perfection.

The new self talk phrases align with the core messages;

“I can do this” 

“this is possible”

“Taking action now is more important than worrying about the outcome”

Shifting those moments of negative self talk requires practice and awareness. Understanding when the triggering patterns become active.

Stopping and slowing down.


Realigning to a chosen intention.

Refocusing on aligned inner communication.

A connectedness of communication that transforms the inner being of who you think you are, expanding what is possible through the wider scope of potential.

Acknowledgement of a strongly aligned intention reveals the vision to choose expanded transformational language.

Choosing Mindful Connection

Mindfulness in Life Experiences

To be present in life requires mindfulness.

Mindfulness is being aware, paying attention without attachment by choice.

Choosing to be present in the moment.

Mindfulness is a state of being where body and mind are in the same mental and physical place at the same time.

In that moment, thoughts of past or future don’t exist.

It is so easy to go through daily routines or just “go through the motions.”

Mindfulness would be to step outside that pattern and be aware of the actions, things you are doing throughout the day.

The Benefits of Being Mindful

It can reduce stress by having awareness of thoughts and emotions that are occurring in the moment. There is an opportunity to process them.

Situations are no longer just reactionary.

What this means is having self control and not reacting  with a response of impulsive behavior. In addition, mindfulness allows for mental calmness in a state of composure. Within that composure is mental clarity and concentration.

You place all focus on what you are doing with aligned action. Awareness for where you are in the moment. Living into who you are choosing to be with intention and discipline. Functioning from a conscious thought process. This could be referred to as “the higher self” or “divine self.”

There is one important attribute that mindfulness offers in life. It is the ability to relate to self and others. In this space, kindness, compassion and acceptance are visible in awareness. Mindfulness can offer other perspectives. The perspectives offer other opportunities and choices.

There is a choice to step into the intentions of who you are being.

From my own personal experience, mindfulness has helped me with connection.

Mindfulness helps bring me back to a neutral operating state. Release from the dominating thoughts of judgment.

Letting go of the worries, the doubts.

It is a place of focus and intention on the present.

It breaks moments down into observable pieces.

You notice things start to slow down.

There is an appreciation for all that is right now.



My name is Kristin Larsen.

You might be wondering, “What brought me to this moment?”
My journey has not always been easy. There were many years of struggle filled with self-judgment, perfectionism, self-doubt and worry. They were fueled by the feelings of inadequacy; not feeling worthy or enough. This mental suffering created a world of depression and anxiety, which made every day seem hopeless. It made me feel helpless

Eventually, a moment came where I made a choice

I could continue living in suffering or begin taking steps to change the situation that I was creating. It was through health habit change, dedication to personal growth, and self-compassion that I chose to transform internal suffering into a new way of living. This journey helped me live into my core values of:

integrity, courage, connection, giving, creativity, growth & compassion!

On this journey there were many small steps that created change and brought clarity to my life. This revealed more opportunities and challenges. With self-compassion and going within, I was able to overcome those challenges and step into the opportunities which molded me into who I am today. That was when the realization came, I was forging a new path. 

At that point I realized, my journey is never-ending

To continue growing as a person, as a father, as a husband and as a friend, I decided to make an investment. That investment was in building my awareness and becoming more present. I asked myself, “who am I in my life?” I chose to embrace inner peace and awaken to a new source of love and acceptance.

From the source of “I AM” enough,

I am capable of being exactly

who I want to be,

I am worthy of

Whatever I Choose,

I am


& I appreciate

My Life

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