Kristin Larsen

Ideas That Ignite Curiosity To Love With Courage!


Decision To Heal:

Pathways From Suffering To Love

About The Book:

Within the pages of Decision To Heal is a journey of 6 unique pathways from suffering to love. The authors share their stories of courage for the decisions they made to feel better and start living happier in healthier experiences.

The mission of the book is to save lives, transform limiting ideas and inspire you to take steps towards creating the happiness you envision. This book is for those who still suffer in silence.

Healing doesn’t have to be done alone, so let this book and our stories be a guide to supporting you in your own decision to heal.

Amazon and all other major book stores.
(available in paperback, hardcover, kindle)
Decision to Heal

Joy of Being:

Daily Moments of Becoming Present

About The Book:

Joy Of Being is a value packed journal workbook that helps to create introspection for presence, gratitude, inner leadership, self compassion, self love/self care, accountability, mindset and mindfulness, spirituality practice over 120 days.

This is accomplished through thought provoking journal prompts, daily quotes, pre and post day check-ins for insights and learning, weekly reflections, monthly reflections, with an abundant resource section of experiential exercises, knowledge to further the introspection, inner growth, healing. Focus is placed on habit change accompanied with intentional commitment to follow through on what the individual feels is important for them to implement in their life.

Creating a pathway to wholeness, growth, healing, awakening and transformation.

Joy of Being Book Cover

Joy of Being:

Mindfully Present

About The Book:

Exploring the concepts of presence and seeing the joy in life. Inspired by Eckhart Tolle’s work on the topics of presence and joy. Understanding the comparison between our emotions and our experiences. Sharing tools to begin creating awareness for our emotions so we can experience our experiences in gratitude and appreciation in their full essence. Allowing us to see a renewed love for ourselves and the life around us.

A book that you can continually reference any section at any time.

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