Kristin Larsen

Ideas That Ignite Curiosity To Love With Courage!

Letting Intentions of Our Being-ness Lead

In each moment there is a thought to how we would like to function. It doesn’t always mean functioning in the way we would like. An important factor in functioning in the way we would like requires letting intentions of our being-ness lead.

To allow intentions of our being-ness to lead means understanding what intentions are and what their importance is in day to day life.

What is an intention of our being?

An intention is an idea that you plan to carry out. In order to carry out the intention you must be committed to it’s action. To be committed to it’s action you must embody the true essence of the intention. The intention requires determination to follow through with accompanying actions. It has been conceived in the mind and becomes the focus of being. The being-ness of the intention is devotion to it’s embodiment within.

What role do intentions of our being have in our life?

Intentions act as our guide in life. When they are paired with our values, they form a powerful combination of navigating influencers that lead the way.

Anyone can have an intention. What makes the intention significant is that it coincides with the true way of functioning that someone would like. The epicenter of operation can originate from the intention. Life could be in chaos but living from the intention could be the difference between staying grounded and focused or letting anxiety and disarray be in control.

I feel that, “intentions are the backbone of operating in our reality, no matter what is occurring in that reality.”

Being your intentions

What will be required to BE your intentions?

A commitment, a dedication, being integrity to the desired intentions. An example would be if I choose to be compassion, then my thoughts and actions must originate from that intention. It could mean shifting perspectives or changing my focus from contexts that are happening that don’t align with that intention. It might not necessarily mean I agree with everything that is occurring in that moment. However, it doesn’t change the intention of compassion that I choose to be in that moment.

What gets in the way of being our intentions

In many instances our ego gets in the way. Feeling the need for safety in one or various forms. To affirm self worth, love or finding a feeling of safety in an experience. A need to prove or be validated is what the ego wants to regain control or feel it is in control of the experience.

Coming back to our intentions means comforting the ego when it feels threatened. Soothing it and letting the heart-mind to have a moment to heal and restore. Self compassion could be a door opening intention for that to happen.

Commitment to letting our intentions of being-ness lead

The commitment is a dedicated focus to being the desired intentions. It could be a daily practice that creates awareness. The awareness then forms a choice to follow through on the required actions to be the intention. In time, it becomes a habit.
Moments could arise that displace being the intention. Acknowledging the agreement to be integrity for the intention recommits to embody the intention again without much delay.

The dedication to live by a chosen intention is an embodied integrity, “to be.”

Realizing Your True Potential

How Do You Know What Your True Potential Is?

As life unfolds, each experience presents the opportunity to realize our true potential. 
Our true potential could manifest from many forms of action. It can be a choice, an intention, a commitment, an inspiration, a vision, a responsibility.

What if it was as simple as acknowledging who you would like to be in a moment, believing in your capability, having conviction in what is possible?

If you think about these 3 statements, what arises within you?

The true potential understands the acceptance in those statements.
The focus of true potential is not concerned with worry or doubt in the moment.
The present moment IS the objective, to thrive in the fullest expression of yourself. Contained within that fullness of expression is immense gratitude.

When Will Be The Moment Of Realizing Your True Potential?

A noticeable shift will occur. The shift is an inner energy that accompanies a chosen state of being. It is a higher state of consciousness. An attuned frequency that connects to your soul. A decision to accept capability to embrace the true potential within you. The focus of concern for a result, a failure or attachment to other external influences fades into the background as the courageous authentic form of yourself leads with powerful intention and integrity.

When were the moments in your life where you accessed your true potential?

Take a moment to reflect what occurred within yourself during those moments.

What shifted in your thoughts? 

What shifted in your energy?

What shifted in your perspective or focus?

What shifted in beliefs?

What shifted in your physiology? 

What was your new self concept of yourself?

There are 4 experiences that come to my mind when I think of some defining moments in my life where I made the decision to access my true potential;

  • The Birth of our first child
  • Performing new job role in my work career
  • Enrolling in a health coaching course
  • Participating in a transformational leadership course

The Choice to Embrace Everything That Already Exists Within

To add some context, these four experiences were lived in five years or more apart from each other. They layered learning and growth that I had navigated in my life to that point.

The first experience was the birth of our first child. Leading to that moment was excitement, anticipation, excellence, quest for knowledge, preparation. These areas of focus minimized the worry and doubt. I had already committed to being the best father I could be. My only worries or doubts came in the form of not being able to live up to those expectations I was committing to.The true potential I was able to access was being able to adapt to situations and become resourceful quickly. Embracing an embodiment of self compassion and loving care. Accepting a responsibility to something/someone that served a purpose greater than myself. I was able to do many things I had never done before or thought I could do with such confidence. The moment my child was presented to me, I held him with amazement and wonder. How could I be holding such a gift of life in my arms? It was a precious, sacred moment that filled me with pure joy and gratitude. My true potential emerged to be my commitment through my intentions each day. To be a supportive husband and loving partnership in the learning and growth in those new moments.

The second experience was performing a new role in my work career. Feeling stagnant at my work, I decided to try something new. It meant getting outside my comfort zone. It meant there was a potential for making mistakes. The opportunity was presented to develop my communication skills, conceptualize processes, adapt to learning, and share ideas to support the performance of others to implement their new learning. It meant being committed to being an important part of establishing a team effort to maximize the development of effective results.

The third experience was enrolling in a health coaching program because I came to the realization it was my calling. It required me to look within myself and be present with my insecurities. To put the higher purpose of supporting someone before my own egoic agenda. I learned how to ask powerful questions, understand what contributes to a strong mindset and healthy functioning in life. Helping someone to implement many habits that are life changing. It was something I could help someone make transformational changes in their life. All because I was able to hold a space of compassion, support, accountability, encouragement and possibility. They were powerful intentions that I embraced within myself.

The fourth experience was participating in a transformational leadership course. Over a 3 month period I created a strong bond with other program participants. We practiced living into our intentions, supporting each other, being a stand for each other, holding each other accountable, connecting with each other, loving each other and holding each other at our highest selves. It was a challenging experience which brought out many patterns that created obstacles for ourselves, limiting beliefs, and pain that required presence and healing. There were lessons in every part of the experience. I released parts of me that I knew were inside but not able to come out and lead. I was introduced to what it feels like to live in higher self. To let go and surrender to what is. To accept myself for who I am so I could be the person I chose through my commitment and intentions.

What these experiences taught me was that a direct connection between possibility and potential exists. Believing in both and trusting that a higher dimension of oneself is awaiting acknowledgement. What got in the way of realizing my true potential was my ego, daily habits that were not supporting my higher self, my continual patterns of disfunction and the required healing to let go of the attachment to inner suffering. It prevented me from being the full expression of my authentic self and to embrace the wholehearted person that I am meant to be in life.

What have the pivotal moments in your life taught you about what holds you back from realizing your true potential?

A choice exists to view true potential as a future possibility that allows the belief to also be a present reality.

The Urgency To Live

Clarity About Urgency To Live

The convergence of urgency and comfort invites an opportunity to shift an experience with an altered perception of time.

A perception of time could be swayed by thoughts or feelings on both extremes of the spectrum.  One perception is the distorted illusion of unlimited time and the other extreme could be the belief of being stuck in moments or experiences.

When I think of time, from the standpoint from beginning to end in the current life, it does not seem unlimited. I also think of time as being infinite. The belief that time has no end. It seems like a confliction of what time is. It could be subjective if someone believes that physical life may end, and the spiritual journey continues.

To focus on the specific physical presence in life would suggest there is a path to the end.

When the end appears, there can be an assumption that there are many reflective insights that arise for the time lived.

Documented thoughts from others near the end of their life include appreciations, regrets, forgiveness, remorse, love.

Why it takes a lifetime to realize the reflective insights

The false reality many people hold in their mind is commonly mistaking they have unlimited time in their life.

At what points in life do people start thinking about time as a precious gift?

Usually there are disruptions or reminders that interrupt the false reality of unlimited time.

It could be when someone close, like a best friend or family member passes away. A revelation for the physical end of life. A gentle prompt of reality for aging and mortality.

It may or may not persuade one’s perspective of time. It definitely infuses the curiosity to think about it.

 Curiosity could then lead someone down a tunnel of despair thinking about everything they “must do now” with a maintained focus on the ending.

It isn’t about the time urgency to do tasks. It is about the time urgency to be the person you envision being in your life.

Am I taking the time to love others and myself?

Am I taking the time to appreciate the moments in life?

Am I taking the time to live with inner peace?

Looking deeper into these individual questions, the answers reside in the question, “what does this mean to me?”

What living with urgency really means

I believe it is a simple philosophy.
To live with integrity. To live in your values. To love deeply. To care for yourself. To care for others.

There can be many temptations that get in the way of someone not following this philosophy. In most cases, following the ego leads us astray.

Attachment to the thoughts of anger, disappointment, failure are some of the major attention grabbers for the ego. Depending how intense the attachment is will determine how long the ego will be followed on the journey. Gradually taking someone further and further away from the simple philosophies they want to live by. The perception becomes; they no longer seem simple.

Days, months and years pass. Not realizing the habits and perceptions have denied the proper love and caring that was always wanted.

This includes escaping, avoiding and running away from challenges that life is presenting. Respect must be given for the current state someone is functioning. However, that does not preclude the potential and possibility of shifting that state. Regaining focus and realigning commitment to the things that are most important. Those “things” of importance are what become urgent to care for.

There is a responsibility to act with urgency. Being accountable not only to oneself, but to others that encompass the ripple effect in life’s sphere of connection.

Redemption of integrity is tightly woven into the values of love and caring. It requires being prompt in those aligned actions.

Journey Into a New Year

Where the journey starts and where it continues

This past year was a journey through many experiences. The navigation through the need to accomplish, rest, contemplate, reflect, realize, awaken. They all assisted to connect to the inner motivation to feel content and complete.

Most of the moments emerged in their own way. It was simply about letting them emerge. It may not have felt like it was the “right time”, but there was no denying their importance in the journey.

There could have been a choice to resist or avoid. They would have still emerged at another time.

Transform the experiences

To allow presence of the experience, shifts one’s perspective through gratitude while acknowledging the blessings.

It could be argued that other choices may have altered the experiences. That is also true, and that would lead to a different path on the journey.

There is a reason this journey is meant to be. There is something to be appreciated and something to be learned.

A Calling For Connection

What wants to be realized and what wants to be revealed?

What will be possible and who will I get to be in the process?

A sense of trust develops. A knowing that everything will be ok.

Personal growth and transformation are part of the journey.

Surrender to the process.

Let go of outdated beliefs and ideals that no longer serve.

Cultivate the necessary empowerment to thrive.

Functioning with focus in a clearly defined vision.

What will help to realize the potential of self?

What will help to execute actions with alignment and integrity?

What will help to see clarity for opportunities?
What will help to ignite the craving of the soul?

What is required

  1. Daily supportive habits that nourish the mind, body, soulful spirit.
  2. A disciplined mindset that welcomes resilience and love.
  3. Consistent intentions that fuel motivation and inspiration.
  4. A purpose that connects with your heart.

Take a moment and reflect, where has your journey brought you to this moment of here and now?

Where will be your continuation and starting point when the New Year begins?

The challenge most often resides in the acceptance that there is no wrong place to be on the path.

What if, you believed that each aspect of the journey was a gift that was unveiling something about yourself. Revealing your higher potential. Unearthing unlimited possibilities through broadened perspectives. Guiding an energetic force of passion towards your daily efforts and actions.

Approach each day as a praise of gratitude for the many gifts and opportunities that are ready to be acknowledged. Cultivate the awareness of what makes everything extraordinary. You will witness other perspectives that extend an invitation to live into an astonishing life overflowing with joy.

The emergence of each experience is a blessing to be honored. It is a selfless journey that has no end.

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