Kristin Larsen

Ideas That Ignite Curiosity To Love With Courage!

Calm In The Stillness Of Silence

The calming silence through stillness to create a tranquil inner world

Thoughts infuse the mind when we wake until we sleep.

Racing from one moment to the next.

Not taking the time to be in silence.

Not taking a moment to be still, and in presence.

What is in that moment of stillness and silence?

It is a space filled with propositions of inner connection. The inner connection aligns with the outer connection of life.

In that space of stillness and silence there is no constraint or resistance to time.

There is a flow of effortless tranquility.

All the judgements of “what isn’t” or “needs to be” vanishes.

A choice for peace, internally. Aligning with the thoughts and feelings within that peace.

Freedom resides in the silence of the stillness.

A deep knowing is accessed. It allows for listening. Listening to your inner voice.

The loud noises that cover up the inner voice dissipate.

Everything becomes silent. You are an observer in stillness.

Clarity is unmasked.

Open to see the vastness of peace.

Mindfulness benefits the experiences in your life

To be present in life requires mindfulness.

Mindfulness is being aware, paying attention without attachment by choice.

Choosing to be present in the moment.

A state of being where body and mind are in the same mental and physical place at the same time.

You place all focus on what you are doing, where you are, who you are being.

In that moment, thoughts of past or future don’t exist.

It is effortless to go through daily routines or just “go through the motions.”

Mindfulness would be to step outside that pattern and be aware of the actions, things you are thinking and doing throughout the day.

Being mindful in your day carries many benefits

It can reduce stress by having awareness of thoughts and emotions that are occurring in the moment and giving an opportunity to process them.

Situations are no longer just reactionary.

There is a choice to step into who you are being.

From my own personal experience, mindfulness has helped me with connection.

It helps bring me back to a neutral operating state.

Letting go of the worries, the doubts.

It is a place of focus and intention on the present.

It breaks moments down into observable pieces.

You notice things start to slow down.

Calm in the presence of stillness, reveals appreciation for all that is right now.

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