Kristin Larsen

Ideas That Ignite Curiosity To Love With Courage!

Coping With Depression Through Feelings Of Unhappiness

Unhappiness turns into depression

The moment when prolonged thoughts of unhappiness turn into coping with depression.

What do the prolonged unhappy thoughts feel like?

They feel dark. They feel painful. The feel suffocating. They drain energy from within.

Major life events can be the trigger of these thoughts. When the thoughts are created they project an emotion of helplessness, hopelessness that accompanies the thought.

This is the pivotal point when a decision is made to attach to the emotion of what is being experienced.

Over time a pattern of thought and emotional connection continue when it is triggered.

The warning signs may show being tired frequently, not having a restful sleep, sad, loss of interest in life, withdrawn and isolated.

Constantly “going through the motions” each day. Walking around numb to experiences and emotions.

Frequently feeling stuck with limited options. Everything just seems so difficult.

The belief forms, “I can’t.”

Every effort seems like a GIANT step.

Suffering in silence is then chosen as the best option. There is shame and guilt for feeling like this, being this way.

The Role Of Presence

Presence plays a major role in navigating through depression.

Taking the time to process feelings and emotions. One way to allow this process to take place is through self compassion. This will help to relieve the shame and guilt.

Daily habits contribute to the thoughts and emotions. Are the chosen daily habits serving or fueling the state of depression?

Self care is crucial to aid in producing energy, calming, and giving self comfort during the healing process.

Depression is a form of disconnection. A belief that there is minimal possibility or choice to transform what is being experienced.

The shift happens when the power to change is acknowledged within yourself.

Therefore, connection is important to begin facilitating hope, faith, trust and possibility.

Implementing ways to connect with self and others.

Are there support groups or communities that have people experiencing similar things?

Can you connect with them to share in the experience? This will help to connect back in life.

The choice is eventually made, it doesn’t have to be done alone.

Unhappy thought patterns are slowly converted into outlooks and perspectives that offer love, hope, possibility.

Clearing the way for thoughts of being in the presence of compassionate, mindful and inspired living.

Leave Past Doubt To Enjoy The Now

Do you ever find you have situations in your life where you begin to question, or doubt if you can do something, have something or be the person you need to be in that moment?

Being present in the now doesn’t seem possible with all the circulating doubts.

Thoughts begin to race. The search for answers to validate what is being felt.

Just getting swept away in shame, guilt, regret.

Thoughts resonate, “I am not worthy of….” “I am not enough because…”

The situation transforms into letting the emotions be the meaning of the present.

However, the emotions were created long before that moment.

They came from the past.

There is a story attached to those emotions. There are definitions from the situations that were constructed to support the story.

It becomes normal to be paralyzed by the thoughts of doubt. To the point of believability.

What changes the thoughts of doubt?

It starts with curiosity to explore what is beneath the doubt. Then taking accountability to shift the perspective of how the doubt is being perceived. It becomes an important step to give self permission to trust in the responsibility of living in the present which is always a choice that is available.

A person who acknowledges their capabilities has the ability to rewrite their story, which changes the meaning and definitions of what was. It now means the past does not dictate the present unless it is allowed to.

-Kristin Sven Larsen

Self acknowledgement reveals the learning, past success, and gratitude. It places focus on the inner being of acceptance with appreciation.

There is no room for doubt when focus is placed on what is possible from the learning, growth and belief in what makes up the capability.

Enjoyment is found living in the now when the doubt is let go from the past.

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