Kristin Larsen

Ideas That Ignite Curiosity To Love With Courage!

Part 2—Embracing what life is offering through presence


The constructs of life are moments and experiences.

Within those experiences are the moments that accompany a choice. The choice to be present with them or let them pass by without acknowledging them.

It requires acknowledging them for what they are. Acknowledgment gets lost when they are viewed as what they are not or what they could be.

The experiences could be made from interactions with others or how a situation is presenting itself.

To acknowledge something means to admit it’s existence, to admit something has been received.

There are many aspects in life that can be acknowledged. It is part of the process of presence.

Acknowledge yourself. This could be through appreciation of who you are being in life or what you are doing in life. What you have in life. 

Allowing ourselves to acknowledge all our feelings and thoughts in their true form. With or without judgement. Simply acknowledging they exist.

It could also be accountability. Acknowledging mistakes or short comings. It helps to move from a place of fear and opens the window of possibility.

Most importantly, acknowledge where you are, in any experience. Being present to what is happening or the people you are connecting with in that experience.

Choose to acknowledge the gratitude for the experience. Then it will be present in the experience.

This means appreciating yourself, appreciating others and appreciating life. 

Celebrating all the elements that contribute to the moment you are living in.

It can mean shifting focus and changing the narrative. A perspective that creates hope and possibility.

It can mean admitting what is real and then deciding how to acknowledge the moment as it continues.

Photo Credit: Marcos Paulo Prado
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