Kristin Larsen

Ideas That Ignite Curiosity To Love With Courage!

Accepting The Invitation To Slow Down

The reluctance to go slower obstructs what many people believe is the true definition of what being productive or efficient really is.

However, accepting the invitation to slow down can be the core basis of connection and efficiency.

Resistance To Slowing Down

One main reason that makes it difficult to practice slowing down is the mental reasoning that slowing down equals loss of progression or efficiency.

Within that are the expectations that things must be done quickly to overcome, get results, and move forward. If they are not done in this way, sometimes the meaning that is made of ourself reflects what could be concluded to be inefficiency and transforms into self judgement of how we are functioning. It starts to feel restrictive and counterproductive.

Exploring deeper into the resistance might reveal an unwillingness to be present with other factors in the experience.

A desire to move through the discomfort as quickly as possible without fully processing or “being with” what is being experienced.

Benefits Of Slowing Down

Many benefits of slowing down attribute to connection. It helps to open the choice to process emotions while acknowledging what is happening in the experienced moments. This can lead to seeing other perspectives that are commonly overlooked. There are glimpses of joy in those perspectives. Feelings of contentment and gratitude.

Reducing stress is a direct result of slowing down because of how it calms the nervous system stress response. An opportunity to reacclimate to functioning from a neutral plane of calm and peacefulness.

When someone embodies calm, perspective, and gratitude, there is often clarity that emerges which assists with one’s own trust in their inner guidance.

Ideas To Embrace Slowing Down

Steps for slowing down in life can be accomplished in many ways. It can be implemented in the tasks being completed, the intentions of BEING that are simultaneously within the tasks and integrity of functioning. The art of slowing down in the day can also be comprised of micro-habits.

Some ideas to help embrace slowing down are:

  • Begin with the routine when waking up. What will help to establish aligned intentions of slowing down from the moment the day begins?
  • Eating meals mindfully to fully enjoy various aspects of the experience.
  • Checking in with self throughout the day to be present with the current inner state of thought and emotions.

Inviting small moments of silence by disconnecting from cell phone use and other distractions that prevent the commitment to slowing down.

If you were to start by thinking of your day as opportunities for inner connection, you begin to appreciate the importance to the commitment of slowing down.

The intention of slowing down presents an opportunity for deep inner connection.

Trust In The Unfolding Journey

The journey is continuously winding through peaks and valleys. It meanders through all types of weather. Various points along the way moving towards each stage of destination. All these paths will appear and be reached throughout it’s own unfolding. The joy often resides in the trust in the unfolding journey.

Does it make the journey any less extraordinary if things unfold differently than what was imagined?

There are parts of the path that seem clear. The steps are visible. The momentum is fluent with motivating guidance to reach the envisioned destination.

Then there are other parts of the path that are unclear. The way forward is not visible. Each step feels like a struggle.

What makes the path seem unclear and feel like a struggle?

Self Limiting Barriers

Inherently, we want to know. We worry about the outer abstracts. The things that either define, validate or fulfill a desire within a self-made construct in which to accomplish or complete.

The attachments to an obsession that it must unfold in the way that is envisioned. The attachment transforms into inner statements of,

“I will be/I will have _____ if ______ only when “X” happens.

These barriers prevent the invitation to surrender to what is being created through the unfolding process. The limitations force a fixed definition that makes an outcome unworthy of being appreciated.

Not Knowing The Way Forward

What if the journey was the objective instead of the destination?

It becomes the objective when the pressure of arriving at a destination in a set time or exact way can be released. Setting intentions that open space to enjoy all parts of the journey. Trust that things will unfold as they will in their own way.

In the welcoming of trust and enjoyment are dedicated intentions that allow them to be openly accepted.

The dedicated intentions such as gratitude, mindful, patient, peaceful, resourceful, courageous, compassionate, etc.

Can you still be with the parts that are painful, challenging, while appreciating the journey for what it is?

Why does it have to be more?

What is creating the thoughts that it has to be more?

Where We Get Lost In The Process

Being able to trust and appreciate what is unfolding allows a view into what wants to emerge. What wants to emerge in ourselves, along with an invitation to what wants to emerge in our life.

What is the guiding belief or thought that it has to be more than what it is?

We want our experience to be more than it is, and at the same time, we acknowledge the potential of what it can be. It really doesn’t have to be more. Our focus is usually attracted to the perception that it doesn’t meet our expectations. Within that, we are also acknowledging the possibility that our own potential did not meet our expectations. Where the paradox presents itself is when our judgement of what is happening in our experience is right or wrong, and good or bad.

If we let go of this, what can be invited in?

Shifting Perspective In The Unknown

There is acknowledgement that awaits in each step of the journey. We don’t need to have everything figured out to appreciate the magic, mystery and wonder in the unfolding.

What are the gifts that the journey is offering?

What will help to see what wants to emerge?

What will help us to acknowledge our potential within what wants to emerge?

Examples might include;

  • the connection being made to the emotional and mental state within self
  • the learning that is assisting with growth and understanding into our own beliefs and perceptions
  • the perspective to see the opportunity that is available in the experience instead of dwelling on the perceived negative effects

Could it be a shift in self that invites transformation into a new way of functioning from the commitment to another inner state of being?

The opportunity to transform curiosity over fear. Having trust in the unknown. Letting go of control to be in flow.

To acknowledge what wants to emerge means accepting where we are at in the moment. Viewing the current moment as a part of growth and evolution in who we are becoming. There are opportunities to explore the inner questions that are circulating in the mind. Trust in taking steps in the unknown which may feel uncomfortable. Choosing opportunities that align with growth and evolution of self. Continuing to embrace the ideas that are being called into existence. Living the passion of the path that is unfolding with a purpose that combines the talents and abilities that we possess.

Opening up to the guiding light that illuminates the way to our truest self.

A shift in self happens when trust guides the readiness towards the embodiment of what wants to emerge within the core of our being.

Realizing Your True Potential

How Do You Know What Your True Potential Is?

As life unfolds, each experience presents the opportunity to realize our true potential. 
Our true potential could manifest from many forms of action. It can be a choice, an intention, a commitment, an inspiration, a vision, a responsibility.

What if it was as simple as acknowledging who you would like to be in a moment, believing in your capability, having conviction in what is possible?

If you think about these 3 statements, what arises within you?

The true potential understands the acceptance in those statements.
The focus of true potential is not concerned with worry or doubt in the moment.
The present moment IS the objective, to thrive in the fullest expression of yourself. Contained within that fullness of expression is immense gratitude.

When Will Be The Moment Of Realizing Your True Potential?

A noticeable shift will occur. The shift is an inner energy that accompanies a chosen state of being. It is a higher state of consciousness. An attuned frequency that connects to your soul. A decision to accept capability to embrace the true potential within you. The focus of concern for a result, a failure or attachment to other external influences fades into the background as the courageous authentic form of yourself leads with powerful intention and integrity.

When were the moments in your life where you accessed your true potential?

Take a moment to reflect what occurred within yourself during those moments.

What shifted in your thoughts? 

What shifted in your energy?

What shifted in your perspective or focus?

What shifted in beliefs?

What shifted in your physiology? 

What was your new self concept of yourself?

There are 4 experiences that come to my mind when I think of some defining moments in my life where I made the decision to access my true potential;

  • The Birth of our first child
  • Performing new job role in my work career
  • Enrolling in a health coaching course
  • Participating in a transformational leadership course

The Choice to Embrace Everything That Already Exists Within

To add some context, these four experiences were lived in five years or more apart from each other. They layered learning and growth that I had navigated in my life to that point.

The first experience was the birth of our first child. Leading to that moment was excitement, anticipation, excellence, quest for knowledge, preparation. These areas of focus minimized the worry and doubt. I had already committed to being the best father I could be. My only worries or doubts came in the form of not being able to live up to those expectations I was committing to.The true potential I was able to access was being able to adapt to situations and become resourceful quickly. Embracing an embodiment of self compassion and loving care. Accepting a responsibility to something/someone that served a purpose greater than myself. I was able to do many things I had never done before or thought I could do with such confidence. The moment my child was presented to me, I held him with amazement and wonder. How could I be holding such a gift of life in my arms? It was a precious, sacred moment that filled me with pure joy and gratitude. My true potential emerged to be my commitment through my intentions each day. To be a supportive husband and loving partnership in the learning and growth in those new moments.

The second experience was performing a new role in my work career. Feeling stagnant at my work, I decided to try something new. It meant getting outside my comfort zone. It meant there was a potential for making mistakes. The opportunity was presented to develop my communication skills, conceptualize processes, adapt to learning, and share ideas to support the performance of others to implement their new learning. It meant being committed to being an important part of establishing a team effort to maximize the development of effective results.

The third experience was enrolling in a health coaching program because I came to the realization it was my calling. It required me to look within myself and be present with my insecurities. To put the higher purpose of supporting someone before my own egoic agenda. I learned how to ask powerful questions, understand what contributes to a strong mindset and healthy functioning in life. Helping someone to implement many habits that are life changing. It was something I could help someone make transformational changes in their life. All because I was able to hold a space of compassion, support, accountability, encouragement and possibility. They were powerful intentions that I embraced within myself.

The fourth experience was participating in a transformational leadership course. Over a 3 month period I created a strong bond with other program participants. We practiced living into our intentions, supporting each other, being a stand for each other, holding each other accountable, connecting with each other, loving each other and holding each other at our highest selves. It was a challenging experience which brought out many patterns that created obstacles for ourselves, limiting beliefs, and pain that required presence and healing. There were lessons in every part of the experience. I released parts of me that I knew were inside but not able to come out and lead. I was introduced to what it feels like to live in higher self. To let go and surrender to what is. To accept myself for who I am so I could be the person I chose through my commitment and intentions.

What these experiences taught me was that a direct connection between possibility and potential exists. Believing in both and trusting that a higher dimension of oneself is awaiting acknowledgement. What got in the way of realizing my true potential was my ego, daily habits that were not supporting my higher self, my continual patterns of disfunction and the required healing to let go of the attachment to inner suffering. It prevented me from being the full expression of my authentic self and to embrace the wholehearted person that I am meant to be in life.

What have the pivotal moments in your life taught you about what holds you back from realizing your true potential?

A choice exists to view true potential as a future possibility that allows the belief to also be a present reality.

Negative Self Talk Dilemma

The Inner Voice Guidance

There is an inner voice we all have that is communicating. If you think it is muted, you might be unconsciously aware of what is being communicated internally.

The challenge is cultivating the awareness to hear when the inner voice is speaking. Move through the conflict of the negative self talk dilemma. Many people think if they choose to listen they might have to do or be what the voice is communicating. Taking what is being said as “truth.”

I have found that by choosing not to acknowledge the voice, it continues to get intensified, trying to get my attention.

The inner voice can either be mentally building us up or tearing us down.

It can be the difference between choosing resilience to be in a state we want or give up on the vision of what is possible. The term “giving up” can mean many things.

 What Giving Up Could Mean

  • allow a moment of challenge to define disempowerment
  • admit defeat or failure without a take-away
  • obstruct the flow of creative genius
  • forfeit self worth
  • ignore the choice of perspectives and possibilities
  • reject personal capability
  • denial of faith or hope
  • concede that there is no other way

There could be many more meanings that could be formed from one’s personal life definitions of “giving up.”

What remains to be true is the negative self talk aspects that limit the beliefs surrounding the idea or vision of “what is possible.”

What Does Negative Self Talk Really Mean

The goal of negative self talk is safety. The positive intention behind this type of communication is to avoid or prepare for the painful feelings derived from the mentally draining thoughts that create them. The perception that it won’t be as much of a shock if it happens because it was expected.

Learning to Shift the Negative Self Talk

The negative self talk can be appreciated when the intention is known. It’s meaning can be open to change. It does not have to mean it is the truth. When that aspect of “untruth” is acknowledged, a new insertion of meaning can be explored.

The self talk can be transformed into a new realm of positivity and empowered thoughts.

The transformation is possible because of choice. Choosing an intention for thought and becoming aligned in those thoughts.

Some chosen intentions to become aligned in thought could be; compassion, gratitude, trust, love, courage, curiosity, etc.

Whatever the chosen intentions are, they reflect the need to act on one’s potential, performance, possibility and purpose.

Courage over-rides the fears;

The fears of failing

The fears of doubting.

The fears of perfection.

The new self talk phrases align with the core messages;

“I can do this” 

“this is possible”

“Taking action now is more important than worrying about the outcome”

Shifting those moments of negative self talk requires practice and awareness. Understanding when the triggering patterns become active.

Stopping and slowing down.


Realigning to a chosen intention.

Refocusing on aligned inner communication.

A connectedness of communication that transforms the inner being of who you think you are, expanding what is possible through the wider scope of potential.

Acknowledgement of a strongly aligned intention reveals the vision to choose expanded transformational language.

Awakening From Sleep Walking Through Life

Bringing back feelings from being numb in life

Everyday stress and suffering over time becomes a self defense of numbness that is carried
around each day.

It may feel like, “always going through the motions in life.”
Not wanting to feel the hurtful or painful feelings. It pushes away the other emotions that are
wanting to be experienced. The joy, the gratitude, the possibility, the wonder within each day.

It is extraordinary how a perspective shifts that numbness. Refocusing on what brings life and
energy into each moment.
It no longer feels like things are “going through the motions.”
There is a purpose and commitment to feel again. A revitalized awakening that slowly opens
vision to exciting possibilities.
The realization that intention must be focused on the thoughts which demand attention to be

The emotions need to be processed, acknowledged and accepted. A gentle handling without
judgement. An openness to refrain from judging the judgement of the emotions. Shame and
guilt are not wrong. They are sending me a message to uncover what they are trying to tell me.

Offering the choice to let go of suffering

The one small step of being in the presence of thought and emotion begins to shift perspective.
The soul wants to wake up.

It wants to be seen, it wants to be heard.
It is waiting for permission.
Each passing day that the soul is asleep, it becomes restless.
Continually trying to attract attention.

All the soul truly wants is to be reunited with the heart. To be guided in life with connected trust and courage.

Break the continual pattern of numbing out in an attempt to feel better through extreme
satiations that fill the void.
Binge watching, screen scrolling, addiction choosing activities to quiet the mind and avoid
Fear of the attempt to break free from the safe space that has been established.
Curiosity and self discovery await a committed focus.

Begin to explore the questions,

“What wants to be acknowledged?”

“What part of me wants to be heard?”

“What would I rather be experiencing instead?”

“What do I need, what is required of me?”

Let my soul awaken from it’s slumber.

Let it breathe the fullness of being alive again.
Let the healing begin.
Let the unravelling be revealed.
Allow the transformation to unfold within.
May I see the vibrant colors of life.
May I be grateful for this moment I chose to see.

The Gratitude Formula

Feeling Joy and Inner Peace with the Gratitude Formula

How a person is choosing to show up for themselves in their life could be directly related to their mental health which could also affect how they perceive things in their life.

Mental health can most often be a perception of their happiness.

This is attributed to the thoughts and emotions being constructed from the reactions and interpretations of what is occurring.

Gratitude is not the only thing that alleviates mental health functioning, but it is an important piece of the formula to experience joy and inner peace.

Gratitude is one attribute that promotes positivity with thankfulness. It places perspective on emotions that focus on accepting events, situations, people and things as blessings as opposed to dwelling on the negative thoughts or experiences.

Any type of new process takes time to implement or adjust to. That is the same with living with daily gratitude. Making it part of a daily routine requires patience before seeing or feeling it’s immediate results.

Studies have shown that it has a psychological effect, almost like re-wiring the brain.

It is re-wiring the brain to see the goodness in life by placing focus on it. People begin to notice that the source of the “goodness” in their life is not just external.

Through gratitude there is a connection to something greater than ourselves.

To think that gratitude can help to feel positive emotions, savor experiences, improve mental health, develop adversity, connect in relationships, it is hard to imagine why someone would not commit to a daily practice of gratitude.

However, with any habit, lies resistance or reluctance to follow through for change to occur.

A simple process helps with making it a consistent habit

Writing or saying one thing you are grateful for each day for 30 days is one way to start living into it.

There are many ways to express gratitude

  • Thankful for past memories or blessings during any time period of your life
  • Thankful for the present experiences, moments, situations in your life
  • Thankful for the future of hope, optimistic outlooks of what could be

Through my life journey I have realized the Gratitude Formula that works for me.

My Gratitude Formula

Acceptance + Acknowledge + Giving & Receiving + Curiosity + Wonder = Love, Connection, Joy


Acceptance means appreciating the situations for what they are in the moment. What they are showing, teaching about life, others and myself.

Acknowledge means expressing the blessings wholeheartedly. The simple things that give joy for living each day.

Giving & Receiving means being open to allow the exchange of abundant appreciation.

Curiosity means continuously committed to being a student in life with expansion to learn, grow and transform in thoughtful connection.

Wonder means having captivation be visible in everything around you. The awe of how things came to be.

Knowing the benefits of gratitude is just the beginning.

If you started your day, everyday with focus on what you have instead of what you don’t or what you feel you are lacking, how might that change your approach in life?

What would you be letting go of?

What would surrendering to inner peace give you or others?

What would you be creating?

Gratitude is a powerful way of “being” which is a key ingredient to live with contentment, inner peace, and glowing elation.

Immersed In The Healing Of Nature

Return to wholeness through nature 

Imagine walking through a forest with the trickling flow of water from a stream, overlooking a landscape filled with lush trees and plants.

It can feel so calming, so peaceful.

Being in the presence of nature realigns your energy.

I find it brings me back to my senses.

Just through simple observation of what is seen, concentration on what is heard. Directing my attention to the smells of surrounding plants and vegetation.

There is scientific evidence that suggests a strong connection to nature enhances emotional wellbeing.

Benefits Of Being In Nature

First, the cognitive adjustment in how we think and function is a complimentary benefit. The step of taking a break from electronic screen time and exposure to everyday tasks. Allowing the mind to relax and settle into a peaceful state.

Second, simply taking the initiative to get outside into a space where the senses can be awakened to ascend into a ritual of mindful surrender.

The natural sounds in nature such as birds, wind, etc, have a calming effect throughout the mind and body.

Third, the experience deepens your connection to the natural world and shifts overall mood in the process.

The effects can be noticed with reduced stress, lower blood pressure,  immediately improve concentration and focus, and the release of endorphins which contribute feeling a sense of wellbeing.

Fourth, the experience offers a deeper connection to life. A deeper connection to self.

With that felt connection is the soothing effect it has on mental health.

The ability to relieve anxiety in the moment, to bring calmness in the mind and body.

Nature provides presence with the wonder, possibility, and beauty for the creation of life.

It allows you to surrender to something greater.

An understanding that being alive is enough.

It teaches you about life. You notice the movement from the wind. You see the curiosity in how things grow. Exploration in how these living things adapt and thrive in their environments. There is a powerful possibility in it’s grandeur.

There is an eternal gratitude for nature as the sole supplier to our survival with food, water, shelter, medicine and materials.

It is part of the contributing factors to what brings joy in life.

Coping With Depression Through Feelings Of Unhappiness

Unhappiness turns into depression

The moment when prolonged thoughts of unhappiness turn into coping with depression.

What do the prolonged unhappy thoughts feel like?

They feel dark. They feel painful. The feel suffocating. They drain energy from within.

Major life events can be the trigger of these thoughts. When the thoughts are created they project an emotion of helplessness, hopelessness that accompanies the thought.

This is the pivotal point when a decision is made to attach to the emotion of what is being experienced.

Over time a pattern of thought and emotional connection continue when it is triggered.

The warning signs may show being tired frequently, not having a restful sleep, sad, loss of interest in life, withdrawn and isolated.

Constantly “going through the motions” each day. Walking around numb to experiences and emotions.

Frequently feeling stuck with limited options. Everything just seems so difficult.

The belief forms, “I can’t.”

Every effort seems like a GIANT step.

Suffering in silence is then chosen as the best option. There is shame and guilt for feeling like this, being this way.

The Role Of Presence

Presence plays a major role in navigating through depression.

Taking the time to process feelings and emotions. One way to allow this process to take place is through self compassion. This will help to relieve the shame and guilt.

Daily habits contribute to the thoughts and emotions. Are the chosen daily habits serving or fueling the state of depression?

Self care is crucial to aid in producing energy, calming, and giving self comfort during the healing process.

Depression is a form of disconnection. A belief that there is minimal possibility or choice to transform what is being experienced.

The shift happens when the power to change is acknowledged within yourself.

Therefore, connection is important to begin facilitating hope, faith, trust and possibility.

Implementing ways to connect with self and others.

Are there support groups or communities that have people experiencing similar things?

Can you connect with them to share in the experience? This will help to connect back in life.

The choice is eventually made, it doesn’t have to be done alone.

Unhappy thought patterns are slowly converted into outlooks and perspectives that offer love, hope, possibility.

Clearing the way for thoughts of being in the presence of compassionate, mindful and inspired living.

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