The reluctance to go slower obstructs what many people believe is the true definition of what being productive or efficient really is.
However, accepting the invitation to slow down can be the core basis of connection and efficiency.
Resistance To Slowing Down
One main reason that makes it difficult to practice slowing down is the mental reasoning that slowing down equals loss of progression or efficiency.
Within that are the expectations that things must be done quickly to overcome, get results, and move forward. If they are not done in this way, sometimes the meaning that is made of ourself reflects what could be concluded to be inefficiency and transforms into self judgement of how we are functioning. It starts to feel restrictive and counterproductive.
Exploring deeper into the resistance might reveal an unwillingness to be present with other factors in the experience.
A desire to move through the discomfort as quickly as possible without fully processing or “being with” what is being experienced.
Benefits Of Slowing Down
Many benefits of slowing down attribute to connection. It helps to open the choice to process emotions while acknowledging what is happening in the experienced moments. This can lead to seeing other perspectives that are commonly overlooked. There are glimpses of joy in those perspectives. Feelings of contentment and gratitude.
Reducing stress is a direct result of slowing down because of how it calms the nervous system stress response. An opportunity to reacclimate to functioning from a neutral plane of calm and peacefulness.
When someone embodies calm, perspective, and gratitude, there is often clarity that emerges which assists with one’s own trust in their inner guidance.
Ideas To Embrace Slowing Down
Steps for slowing down in life can be accomplished in many ways. It can be implemented in the tasks being completed, the intentions of BEING that are simultaneously within the tasks and integrity of functioning. The art of slowing down in the day can also be comprised of micro-habits.
Some ideas to help embrace slowing down are:
- Begin with the routine when waking up. What will help to establish aligned intentions of slowing down from the moment the day begins?
- Eating meals mindfully to fully enjoy various aspects of the experience.
- Checking in with self throughout the day to be present with the current inner state of thought and emotions.
Inviting small moments of silence by disconnecting from cell phone use and other distractions that prevent the commitment to slowing down.
If you were to start by thinking of your day as opportunities for inner connection, you begin to appreciate the importance to the commitment of slowing down.
The intention of slowing down presents an opportunity for deep inner connection.
Kristin helps people ignite belief in themselves through established self-trust and possibility. Uniting them with their strengths and capabilities so they can let go of limitations. He guides them to deepen their relationship with themselves through healing and growth. This gives them the opportunity to live into existence with acceptance and gratitude. The new beliefs bring out their inner genius. It also helps people live in full authenticity that is driven by a strong inner purpose. A guided way of being that is rooted in connection, love, and courage. He serves with intentions of compassion, curiosity, and giving.
When Kristin is not writing or coaching he is hiking in nature, reading, exercising, and enjoying moments connecting with family and friends.