Kristin Larsen

Ideas That Ignite Curiosity To Love With Courage!

Letting Intentions of Our Being-ness Lead

In each moment there is a thought to how we would like to function. It doesn’t always mean functioning in the way we would like. An important factor in functioning in the way we would like requires letting intentions of our being-ness lead.

To allow intentions of our being-ness to lead means understanding what intentions are and what their importance is in day to day life.

What is an intention of our being?

An intention is an idea that you plan to carry out. In order to carry out the intention you must be committed to it’s action. To be committed to it’s action you must embody the true essence of the intention. The intention requires determination to follow through with accompanying actions. It has been conceived in the mind and becomes the focus of being. The being-ness of the intention is devotion to it’s embodiment within.

What role do intentions of our being have in our life?

Intentions act as our guide in life. When they are paired with our values, they form a powerful combination of navigating influencers that lead the way.

Anyone can have an intention. What makes the intention significant is that it coincides with the true way of functioning that someone would like. The epicenter of operation can originate from the intention. Life could be in chaos but living from the intention could be the difference between staying grounded and focused or letting anxiety and disarray be in control.

I feel that, “intentions are the backbone of operating in our reality, no matter what is occurring in that reality.”

Being your intentions

What will be required to BE your intentions?

A commitment, a dedication, being integrity to the desired intentions. An example would be if I choose to be compassion, then my thoughts and actions must originate from that intention. It could mean shifting perspectives or changing my focus from contexts that are happening that don’t align with that intention. It might not necessarily mean I agree with everything that is occurring in that moment. However, it doesn’t change the intention of compassion that I choose to be in that moment.

What gets in the way of being our intentions

In many instances our ego gets in the way. Feeling the need for safety in one or various forms. To affirm self worth, love or finding a feeling of safety in an experience. A need to prove or be validated is what the ego wants to regain control or feel it is in control of the experience.

Coming back to our intentions means comforting the ego when it feels threatened. Soothing it and letting the heart-mind to have a moment to heal and restore. Self compassion could be a door opening intention for that to happen.

Commitment to letting our intentions of being-ness lead

The commitment is a dedicated focus to being the desired intentions. It could be a daily practice that creates awareness. The awareness then forms a choice to follow through on the required actions to be the intention. In time, it becomes a habit.
Moments could arise that displace being the intention. Acknowledging the agreement to be integrity for the intention recommits to embody the intention again without much delay.

The dedication to live by a chosen intention is an embodied integrity, “to be.”

Create Time To Envision

So many daily tasks and obligations occupy our lives. All the “doing” takes away the opportunity to envision and to consciously dream.

3 Important Reasons to Create Time to Envision

One of the most important reasons why someone must create time to envision in their life is because it helps to clarify the alignment of various paths moving forward.

When alignment is clear there is an opportunity to listen. The voice of the inner soul is speaking and wants to be heard. The words can be inspiring. They can provoke action. Formulating an understanding of what wants to happen.

Listening to the voice of the inner soul ignites a release of creativity. An access to the brilliant parts of self. The ability to construct and conceptualize a vision of possibility. It is possible because it can be seen as a vision of possibility. It can be sensed in it’s various details of existence. The depth is reliant on how connected to the soul someone decides to be.

A choice is established. Believe in the vision and begin taking initiative towards the imaginatively formed vision. Allow it to incubate, to grow in it’s development. Nurture the seed after it has been planted. Let it follow the light that comes from within.

The Irrelevance of How

What impedes the joy in the process of envisioning, of allowing for conscious dreaming is the attachment to how. The need to know. To have each step articulately planned out. The meaning derived if each detail is not clear. Then comes the doubts. It can’t be done. It will never work. Then deeper seeded questions of worthiness. “Who am I to bring this vision into reality?”

“What if I am not capable?”

“It most likely would be a failure.”

“Why should I continue to take any further thought or action towards this?”

There is a fine balance between living in this moment and cultivating a vision of what is possible.

Value In The Process

There is a valuable aspect in the process of interpreting the pieces of the vision. In every piece of the puzzle that wants to be constructed is the emergence of your potential. The journey of who you will become in the quest to realize the wonder behind where the vision is taking you.

There is room for adaptation and revision along the way. It is like a continual story that wants to be told. When an openness to curiosity can be maintained, more possibility can be accessible.

You get to anchor into the importance of the vision.

Why does it feel so important?

What makes each step vital in the gradual transformation of envisioned thoughts?

In a greater sense, it gives hope. An infinite world of imagining.

A few thought provoking words to consider as you dare to dream, and create time to envision;

Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality. – Earl Nightingale

What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create. Buddha

You create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions and your intentions create your reality. – Wayne Dyer

Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Napoleon Hill

What might you do to make envisioning an enriching process in your life? There is no need to attach to any results. It is a journey filled with aliveness. The wonder of what is, and what could be.

What you envision is a construct of who you choose to be within the possibility and potential of what you want to live into.

Negative Self Talk Dilemma

The Inner Voice Guidance

There is an inner voice we all have that is communicating. If you think it is muted, you might be unconsciously aware of what is being communicated internally.

The challenge is cultivating the awareness to hear when the inner voice is speaking. Move through the conflict of the negative self talk dilemma. Many people think if they choose to listen they might have to do or be what the voice is communicating. Taking what is being said as “truth.”

I have found that by choosing not to acknowledge the voice, it continues to get intensified, trying to get my attention.

The inner voice can either be mentally building us up or tearing us down.

It can be the difference between choosing resilience to be in a state we want or give up on the vision of what is possible. The term “giving up” can mean many things.

 What Giving Up Could Mean

  • allow a moment of challenge to define disempowerment
  • admit defeat or failure without a take-away
  • obstruct the flow of creative genius
  • forfeit self worth
  • ignore the choice of perspectives and possibilities
  • reject personal capability
  • denial of faith or hope
  • concede that there is no other way

There could be many more meanings that could be formed from one’s personal life definitions of “giving up.”

What remains to be true is the negative self talk aspects that limit the beliefs surrounding the idea or vision of “what is possible.”

What Does Negative Self Talk Really Mean

The goal of negative self talk is safety. The positive intention behind this type of communication is to avoid or prepare for the painful feelings derived from the mentally draining thoughts that create them. The perception that it won’t be as much of a shock if it happens because it was expected.

Learning to Shift the Negative Self Talk

The negative self talk can be appreciated when the intention is known. It’s meaning can be open to change. It does not have to mean it is the truth. When that aspect of “untruth” is acknowledged, a new insertion of meaning can be explored.

The self talk can be transformed into a new realm of positivity and empowered thoughts.

The transformation is possible because of choice. Choosing an intention for thought and becoming aligned in those thoughts.

Some chosen intentions to become aligned in thought could be; compassion, gratitude, trust, love, courage, curiosity, etc.

Whatever the chosen intentions are, they reflect the need to act on one’s potential, performance, possibility and purpose.

Courage over-rides the fears;

The fears of failing

The fears of doubting.

The fears of perfection.

The new self talk phrases align with the core messages;

“I can do this” 

“this is possible”

“Taking action now is more important than worrying about the outcome”

Shifting those moments of negative self talk requires practice and awareness. Understanding when the triggering patterns become active.

Stopping and slowing down.


Realigning to a chosen intention.

Refocusing on aligned inner communication.

A connectedness of communication that transforms the inner being of who you think you are, expanding what is possible through the wider scope of potential.

Acknowledgement of a strongly aligned intention reveals the vision to choose expanded transformational language.

Leave Past Doubt To Enjoy The Now

Do you ever find you have situations in your life where you begin to question, or doubt if you can do something, have something or be the person you need to be in that moment?

Being present in the now doesn’t seem possible with all the circulating doubts.

Thoughts begin to race. The search for answers to validate what is being felt.

Just getting swept away in shame, guilt, regret.

Thoughts resonate, “I am not worthy of….” “I am not enough because…”

The situation transforms into letting the emotions be the meaning of the present.

However, the emotions were created long before that moment.

They came from the past.

There is a story attached to those emotions. There are definitions from the situations that were constructed to support the story.

It becomes normal to be paralyzed by the thoughts of doubt. To the point of believability.

What changes the thoughts of doubt?

It starts with curiosity to explore what is beneath the doubt. Then taking accountability to shift the perspective of how the doubt is being perceived. It becomes an important step to give self permission to trust in the responsibility of living in the present which is always a choice that is available.

A person who acknowledges their capabilities has the ability to rewrite their story, which changes the meaning and definitions of what was. It now means the past does not dictate the present unless it is allowed to.

-Kristin Sven Larsen

Self acknowledgement reveals the learning, past success, and gratitude. It places focus on the inner being of acceptance with appreciation.

There is no room for doubt when focus is placed on what is possible from the learning, growth and belief in what makes up the capability.

Enjoyment is found living in the now when the doubt is let go from the past.

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