Kristin Larsen

Ideas That Ignite Curiosity To Love With Courage!

Journey Into a New Year

Where the journey starts and where it continues

This past year was a journey through many experiences. The navigation through the need to accomplish, rest, contemplate, reflect, realize, awaken. They all assisted to connect to the inner motivation to feel content and complete.

Most of the moments emerged in their own way. It was simply about letting them emerge. It may not have felt like it was the “right time”, but there was no denying their importance in the journey.

There could have been a choice to resist or avoid. They would have still emerged at another time.

Transform the experiences

To allow presence of the experience, shifts one’s perspective through gratitude while acknowledging the blessings.

It could be argued that other choices may have altered the experiences. That is also true, and that would lead to a different path on the journey.

There is a reason this journey is meant to be. There is something to be appreciated and something to be learned.

A Calling For Connection

What wants to be realized and what wants to be revealed?

What will be possible and who will I get to be in the process?

A sense of trust develops. A knowing that everything will be ok.

Personal growth and transformation are part of the journey.

Surrender to the process.

Let go of outdated beliefs and ideals that no longer serve.

Cultivate the necessary empowerment to thrive.

Functioning with focus in a clearly defined vision.

What will help to realize the potential of self?

What will help to execute actions with alignment and integrity?

What will help to see clarity for opportunities?
What will help to ignite the craving of the soul?

What is required

  1. Daily supportive habits that nourish the mind, body, soulful spirit.
  2. A disciplined mindset that welcomes resilience and love.
  3. Consistent intentions that fuel motivation and inspiration.
  4. A purpose that connects with your heart.

Take a moment and reflect, where has your journey brought you to this moment of here and now?

Where will be your continuation and starting point when the New Year begins?

The challenge most often resides in the acceptance that there is no wrong place to be on the path.

What if, you believed that each aspect of the journey was a gift that was unveiling something about yourself. Revealing your higher potential. Unearthing unlimited possibilities through broadened perspectives. Guiding an energetic force of passion towards your daily efforts and actions.

Approach each day as a praise of gratitude for the many gifts and opportunities that are ready to be acknowledged. Cultivate the awareness of what makes everything extraordinary. You will witness other perspectives that extend an invitation to live into an astonishing life overflowing with joy.

The emergence of each experience is a blessing to be honored. It is a selfless journey that has no end.

The Path To Inner Peace

The path to inner peace has many distractions along the way.

The Distractions

The distractions are creations of hostility, distress, agitation, frustration, anxiety,
agony, despair, fear, misery.
On the path there are obstacles that will challenge the most inner way of being.
They are distractions because focus is not on the dedication to inner peace.
Stress is a major obstacle that could start off with small irritations and they
gradually increase. Many factors lead to the increase and take someone further away from
inner peace.

The question comes back to, “who is responsible for having inner peace?
It is an important question that transforms possibility and choice.

Another powerfully effective question would be, “who is responsible for being
inner peace?”

It is impossible to have inner peace without focusing on the intentions of who you
choose to be in the moment. It starts with personal awareness.

What is taking you off the path?

Where does your attention need to be to stay on the path?

How long will anger, resentment, fear, despair keep you traveling along a different

Being able to process emotions helps to overcome any obstacles that might get in
the way. Presence with those emotions creates the option to release attachment to them
through required actions.
The required actions coincide with the definition of what inner peace is. That
definition includes some form of love. Love for self, love for others, and love for the life that is

The ways love embodies inner peace in someone’s life

Self care. Taking care of personal needs for wellbeing, physical, mental,

  • Living in core values that bring alignment in life
  • Self compassion
  • Giving self love, respect, appreciation, forgiveness
  • Giving thanks to everything
  • Accepting of discomfort
  • Offerings of kindness and connection
  • Trust or belief in something greater than self

Inner peace is a never ending path in life.

How you choose what that path looks like is dependent upon the devotion you have to stay on the path.

The most basic concepts bring inner peace when accompanied with empowered intentions.

The concepts include having gratitude, practicing forgiveness, mindfulness and
processing emotions to surrender and let go of tightly held resistances in the mind.

They are habits that need to be continually practiced so the stressful moments can
be handled with grace and inner resourcefulness.

Remaining focused in the present moment is the pathway to inner peace which is
always possible. A daily commitment to ensure the necessary actions maintain the vision of
inner peace.

hat is a Transformational Journ

Inviting Cognizance Into Meditation

Awaking to awareness within yourself

The word “meditation” is commonly used when the topic of presence is discussed.

There are some people that say, “I can’t meditate because I can’t turn my brain off.”

Some misconceptions about meditation

  • Mediation is not about turning the brain off.

It is about being present with your mind through a deeper state of awareness.

It is about training your mind to allow thoughts to come and go without directly attaching self to them. This helps to increase awareness of yourself and surroundings.

Furthermore, it enables someone to manage their thoughts while enhancing creativity, emotional balance and overall calmness.

  • Meditation doesn’t always feel relaxing. At the beginning it may be an uncomfortable process to be present with yourself.  Someone might think there are so many other things to be done on the to-do list and meditation takes away from time that can be used for other tasks. The process of connecting to oneself actually improves the efficiency at which steps are taken with clarity and effectiveness.
  • The method of meditation does need need to be self evaluated as right or wrong. There is no wrong way to meditate. Gradually it becomes efficient in the way you become present with yourself. That is all part of the process.

If you start by meditating for 2 minutes, that is good enough. If your mind is wandering for those 2 minutes and you find it hard to sit still, that is good enough. Repetition and discipline of the routine will gradually enhance the experience over time. That is where shifts in awareness are visible.

Meditation can take various forms.

9 common types of meditation practices

  1. Mindful meditation is a practice that helps you become aware of what your sensing and feeling in the moment without judgement.
  2. Spiritual meditation is a practice that connects you to something greater than self, to develop a deep relationship with the human spirit without the need to hold identities and labels.
  3. Focused meditation involves focusing attention on an object or physical sensation using any of the five senses to help increase awareness of the present moment.
  4. Movement meditation involves being mindful of the sensations that occur during movements.
  5. Mantra meditation is the repetition of a word or phrase that is whispered, chanted, spoken while being repeated during the meditation.
  6. Transcendental meditation is a practice where you mentally repeat a Sanskrit word or phrase with your eyes closed until a state of inner peace is reached.
  7. Progressive meditation is a technique that involves two steps of intentionally tensing each muscle group in the body and then focusing on relaxing them.
  8. Loving-Kindness meditation is the practice of generating loving-kindness towards self, others, all living beings through goodwill, compassion and kindness.
  9. Visualization meditation focuses on using guided positive imagery, ideas, symbols, thoughts, feelings or sensations.

Through the various types of meditation, the sole purpose is to center yourself. The various forms of meditation offer ways to do that.

Meditation offers the opportunity to develop emotional intelligence by connecting with emotions, the body or enhancing overall awareness.

This is accomplished through expanding states of consciousness and self realization.

You get to have present moment awareness by shifting from thinking to sensing.

Here is a simple meditation to help connect to your inner awareness;

Now is the time to be aware of the present moment. Say to yourself, “I let go of the past and future.”

Turn your attention to your senses.

Focus on the sounds right now that take minimal effort to hear. As you concentrate more, begin to notice other sounds. Just continue to be present with all the sounds that come and go.

Turn your attention to your body.

Take a moment to feel your arms wherever they might be. Your legs wherever they are. Bring awareness to any pains or tightness in your body. Any feelings that are present. Be aware of the shifts in these body sensations while being present to them as they come and go.

Turn your attention to your thoughts.

Watch your thoughts as they appear and float away. Allow them to arrive and pass without grasping them. There is no need to act on them or respond to them. You are just observing them. Each thought is just a message. There is no judgement behind the message. See the messages and let it pass by without attaching a meaning to it.

Turn your attention to your breathing.

Feel your breath as you inhale and exhale. Notice the sound, the air entering and exiting your lungs. Notice the speed of your breath. Slow the pace down as slow as you can.

Allow your breath to become deeper.

Sit and be with all the senses you were just conscious to without concept of time.
Allow yourself to exit from the meditation when you are ready.

What did you notice about the present moment?

What did you notice about your awareness for your inner self?

How has your perspective of the present moment changed?

Surrendering To Presence In Life

Surrendering To Presence In Life

Challenges Getting In The Way

The experiences encountered in life can present challenges in the way our thoughts interact with them. Emotions may reinforce the thoughts which produce the perception that the situation is difficult to navigate with the creation of doubts and worry.

The struggle that is encountered is met with ways that are decided to alleviate the suffering.

Sometimes this translates into enduring the suffering because it is resisted.

Struggle and discomfort always come with a choice.

The choice is accentuated if the  choice to see the resistance being held onto is viewed as less important than what is desired to be thinking and feeling.

The obstacle is seeing past all the things that are getting in the way of realizing that.

Surrendering becomes a spiritual process. The choice can only be made in presence.

Believing you are enough as you are now, to make that choice.

What this means is the only choice needed to surrender is presence.

Held within presence is to accept “what is.”

Closing your eyes, feeling into presence. Relaxing your body. Feeling your soul.

Giving yourself permission to surrender. Choosing to release the struggle.

Asking Yourself

Asking yourself, “what am I holding resistance to?”

“Why is it important I hold this resistance?”

“What do I gain from holding onto it?”

“What would happen if I let it go?”

I envision myself letting go of what I am surrendering to.

What happens?

What happens to my thoughts?

What happens to my emotions?
I thank myself for doing my best in these moments.

I allow myself to let go and surrender.

The resistance that was present disappears.

In that moment I am free.

That moment is filled with gratitude and presence.

Compassion Brings Me Back To Inner Peace

In this moment I am free.

It becomes easier to do it again if I choose to surrender.

“Surrendering becomes a spiritual process. The choice can only be made in presence.”

– Kristin Sven Larsen

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