Kristin Larsen

Ideas That Ignite Curiosity To Love With Courage!

Surrendering To Presence In Life

Challenges Getting In The Way

The experiences encountered in life can present challenges in the way our thoughts interact with them. Emotions may reinforce the thoughts which produce the perception that the situation is difficult to navigate with the creation of doubts and worry.

The struggle that is encountered is met with ways that are decided to alleviate the suffering.

Sometimes this translates into enduring the suffering because it is resisted.

Struggle and discomfort always come with a choice.

The choice is accentuated if the  choice to see the resistance being held onto is viewed as less important than what is desired to be thinking and feeling.

The obstacle is seeing past all the things that are getting in the way of realizing that.

Surrendering becomes a spiritual process. The choice can only be made in presence.

Believing you are enough as you are now, to make that choice.

What this means is the only choice needed to surrender is presence.

Held within presence is to accept “what is.”

Closing your eyes, feeling into presence. Relaxing your body. Feeling your soul.

Giving yourself permission to surrender. Choosing to release the struggle.

Asking Yourself

Asking yourself, “what am I holding resistance to?”

“Why is it important I hold this resistance?”

“What do I gain from holding onto it?”

“What would happen if I let it go?”

I envision myself letting go of what I am surrendering to.

What happens?

What happens to my thoughts?

What happens to my emotions?
I thank myself for doing my best in these moments.

I allow myself to let go and surrender.

The resistance that was present disappears.

In that moment I am free.

That moment is filled with gratitude and presence.

Compassion Brings Me Back To Inner Peace

In this moment I am free.

It becomes easier to do it again if I choose to surrender.

“Surrendering becomes a spiritual process. The choice can only be made in presence.”

– Kristin Sven Larsen

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