Kristin Larsen

Ideas That Ignite Curiosity To Love With Courage!

Bring Awareness In The Body

Bring awareness back in your body to stay focused in life

To stay focused requires minimal distraction in the mind. It is interesting how chaos could ensue around someone, yet they are able to maintain focus.

I wonder why that is?

A typical day in life for example, getting lost in all the intricacies of tasks, obligations, responsibilities.

How can someone stay focused with so much going on?

Being in tune with our senses of what is occurring in our body can help to maintain focus on the joy of who we are, what is happening in our perceptual world.

It is a form of appreciative acknowledgement. Accepting what is happening without resistance.

The awareness in our body connects us back to ourselves.

It is a grounding into the current moment.

Tune into the moment without the chaos diverting our attention somewhere other than what is happening right now.

The mind connects back with the body.

You take the time to feel your feet on the ground. You allow yourself to be open to observation as time was taken to notice.

To feel the sensations, the energy in your body.

Where are they being held, stored, restricted?

Taking small steps to incorporate awareness in your body throughout the day will provide advantages of focus in life.

You may notice yourself stepping out of fear based thinking, listening with greater intention, less frustration, overall appreciative awareness for right now.

3 Ways To Create Awareness In The Body

  1. Body Scan
  2. Movement
  3. Intentional Reflection/Expression

The body scan is a technique used to intentionally bring attention to individual parts of the body without judging them.

Movement when done mindfully helps to connect yourself back to your body to truly feel the various areas of the body in greater appreciation.

Intentional reflection offers a form of expression that creates a conscious awareness of the things that benefit the body in it’s functioning and movement while also identifying what obstructs it’s effectiveness.

Connecting back to the body is a choice that aids in the life healing process. It allows feelings and thoughts to surface that would otherwise be suppressed.

As the practice becomes stronger, so does the efficiency of how quickly someone can tune into their body.

After experimenting with the sensations in the body, bring them into awareness and feel a powerful experience of focused presence within you.

Connection to the body is a conscious awareness to the residing messages below the superficial functioning in life.

Awakening From Sleep Walking Through Life

Bringing back feelings from being numb in life

Everyday stress and suffering over time becomes a self defense of numbness that is carried
around each day.

It may feel like, “always going through the motions in life.”
Not wanting to feel the hurtful or painful feelings. It pushes away the other emotions that are
wanting to be experienced. The joy, the gratitude, the possibility, the wonder within each day.

It is extraordinary how a perspective shifts that numbness. Refocusing on what brings life and
energy into each moment.
It no longer feels like things are “going through the motions.”
There is a purpose and commitment to feel again. A revitalized awakening that slowly opens
vision to exciting possibilities.
The realization that intention must be focused on the thoughts which demand attention to be

The emotions need to be processed, acknowledged and accepted. A gentle handling without
judgement. An openness to refrain from judging the judgement of the emotions. Shame and
guilt are not wrong. They are sending me a message to uncover what they are trying to tell me.

Offering the choice to let go of suffering

The one small step of being in the presence of thought and emotion begins to shift perspective.
The soul wants to wake up.

It wants to be seen, it wants to be heard.
It is waiting for permission.
Each passing day that the soul is asleep, it becomes restless.
Continually trying to attract attention.

All the soul truly wants is to be reunited with the heart. To be guided in life with connected trust and courage.

Break the continual pattern of numbing out in an attempt to feel better through extreme
satiations that fill the void.
Binge watching, screen scrolling, addiction choosing activities to quiet the mind and avoid
Fear of the attempt to break free from the safe space that has been established.
Curiosity and self discovery await a committed focus.

Begin to explore the questions,

“What wants to be acknowledged?”

“What part of me wants to be heard?”

“What would I rather be experiencing instead?”

“What do I need, what is required of me?”

Let my soul awaken from it’s slumber.

Let it breathe the fullness of being alive again.
Let the healing begin.
Let the unravelling be revealed.
Allow the transformation to unfold within.
May I see the vibrant colors of life.
May I be grateful for this moment I chose to see.

The Gratitude Formula

Feeling Joy and Inner Peace with the Gratitude Formula

How a person is choosing to show up for themselves in their life could be directly related to their mental health which could also affect how they perceive things in their life.

Mental health can most often be a perception of their happiness.

This is attributed to the thoughts and emotions being constructed from the reactions and interpretations of what is occurring.

Gratitude is not the only thing that alleviates mental health functioning, but it is an important piece of the formula to experience joy and inner peace.

Gratitude is one attribute that promotes positivity with thankfulness. It places perspective on emotions that focus on accepting events, situations, people and things as blessings as opposed to dwelling on the negative thoughts or experiences.

Any type of new process takes time to implement or adjust to. That is the same with living with daily gratitude. Making it part of a daily routine requires patience before seeing or feeling it’s immediate results.

Studies have shown that it has a psychological effect, almost like re-wiring the brain.

It is re-wiring the brain to see the goodness in life by placing focus on it. People begin to notice that the source of the “goodness” in their life is not just external.

Through gratitude there is a connection to something greater than ourselves.

To think that gratitude can help to feel positive emotions, savor experiences, improve mental health, develop adversity, connect in relationships, it is hard to imagine why someone would not commit to a daily practice of gratitude.

However, with any habit, lies resistance or reluctance to follow through for change to occur.

A simple process helps with making it a consistent habit

Writing or saying one thing you are grateful for each day for 30 days is one way to start living into it.

There are many ways to express gratitude

  • Thankful for past memories or blessings during any time period of your life
  • Thankful for the present experiences, moments, situations in your life
  • Thankful for the future of hope, optimistic outlooks of what could be

Through my life journey I have realized the Gratitude Formula that works for me.

My Gratitude Formula

Acceptance + Acknowledge + Giving & Receiving + Curiosity + Wonder = Love, Connection, Joy


Acceptance means appreciating the situations for what they are in the moment. What they are showing, teaching about life, others and myself.

Acknowledge means expressing the blessings wholeheartedly. The simple things that give joy for living each day.

Giving & Receiving means being open to allow the exchange of abundant appreciation.

Curiosity means continuously committed to being a student in life with expansion to learn, grow and transform in thoughtful connection.

Wonder means having captivation be visible in everything around you. The awe of how things came to be.

Knowing the benefits of gratitude is just the beginning.

If you started your day, everyday with focus on what you have instead of what you don’t or what you feel you are lacking, how might that change your approach in life?

What would you be letting go of?

What would surrendering to inner peace give you or others?

What would you be creating?

Gratitude is a powerful way of “being” which is a key ingredient to live with contentment, inner peace, and glowing elation.

Choosing Mindful Connection

Mindfulness in Life Experiences

To be present in life requires mindfulness.

Mindfulness is being aware, paying attention without attachment by choice.

Choosing to be present in the moment.

Mindfulness is a state of being where body and mind are in the same mental and physical place at the same time.

In that moment, thoughts of past or future don’t exist.

It is so easy to go through daily routines or just “go through the motions.”

Mindfulness would be to step outside that pattern and be aware of the actions, things you are doing throughout the day.

The Benefits of Being Mindful

It can reduce stress by having awareness of thoughts and emotions that are occurring in the moment. There is an opportunity to process them.

Situations are no longer just reactionary.

What this means is having self control and not reacting  with a response of impulsive behavior. In addition, mindfulness allows for mental calmness in a state of composure. Within that composure is mental clarity and concentration.

You place all focus on what you are doing with aligned action. Awareness for where you are in the moment. Living into who you are choosing to be with intention and discipline. Functioning from a conscious thought process. This could be referred to as “the higher self” or “divine self.”

There is one important attribute that mindfulness offers in life. It is the ability to relate to self and others. In this space, kindness, compassion and acceptance are visible in awareness. Mindfulness can offer other perspectives. The perspectives offer other opportunities and choices.

There is a choice to step into the intentions of who you are being.

From my own personal experience, mindfulness has helped me with connection.

Mindfulness helps bring me back to a neutral operating state. Release from the dominating thoughts of judgment.

Letting go of the worries, the doubts.

It is a place of focus and intention on the present.

It breaks moments down into observable pieces.

You notice things start to slow down.

There is an appreciation for all that is right now.

Calm In The Stillness Of Silence

The calming silence through stillness to create a tranquil inner world

Thoughts infuse the mind when we wake until we sleep.

Racing from one moment to the next.

Not taking the time to be in silence.

Not taking a moment to be still, and in presence.

What is in that moment of stillness and silence?

It is a space filled with propositions of inner connection. The inner connection aligns with the outer connection of life.

In that space of stillness and silence there is no constraint or resistance to time.

There is a flow of effortless tranquility.

All the judgements of “what isn’t” or “needs to be” vanishes.

A choice for peace, internally. Aligning with the thoughts and feelings within that peace.

Freedom resides in the silence of the stillness.

A deep knowing is accessed. It allows for listening. Listening to your inner voice.

The loud noises that cover up the inner voice dissipate.

Everything becomes silent. You are an observer in stillness.

Clarity is unmasked.

Open to see the vastness of peace.

Mindfulness benefits the experiences in your life

To be present in life requires mindfulness.

Mindfulness is being aware, paying attention without attachment by choice.

Choosing to be present in the moment.

A state of being where body and mind are in the same mental and physical place at the same time.

You place all focus on what you are doing, where you are, who you are being.

In that moment, thoughts of past or future don’t exist.

It is effortless to go through daily routines or just “go through the motions.”

Mindfulness would be to step outside that pattern and be aware of the actions, things you are thinking and doing throughout the day.

Being mindful in your day carries many benefits

It can reduce stress by having awareness of thoughts and emotions that are occurring in the moment and giving an opportunity to process them.

Situations are no longer just reactionary.

There is a choice to step into who you are being.

From my own personal experience, mindfulness has helped me with connection.

It helps bring me back to a neutral operating state.

Letting go of the worries, the doubts.

It is a place of focus and intention on the present.

It breaks moments down into observable pieces.

You notice things start to slow down.

Calm in the presence of stillness, reveals appreciation for all that is right now.

A New Perspective From Letting Go

What makes it so hard to let go of hurt, pain, loss?

I have found it is the fear of how much of suffering will have to be endured until it goes away.

The thought of what has been impacted by the pain.

The constant attachment to the thoughts and emotions that continue to be a reminder of each experience.

When the choice is made to hold onto what is causing the fear, instantly choices become limited.

There is a meaning that has been attached to what is feared. The fear has become the focus of reality and all the decisions being made are based around the fear.

Letting go becomes a process. Going through the process of letting go requires presence.

There is a realization that there is no need to avoid what is desired to be let go of.

The internal process starts with awareness. Being aware of what is triggering the fear, and what the actual fear is.

Next is to acknowledge that the fear exists and what is being created by the fear.

Finally, it is accepting that you have a fear of what is being experienced. You are experiencing it in the moment, and that’s okay.

This gives the opportunity to shift perspective and it opens the possibility for choice.

Needing to express what needs to be expressed. The opportunity opens up for self compassion, forgiveness, gratitude.

This helps to form beliefs that attract focus for what is desired rather than what is being created by the fears.

Where would you like to be placing your focus?

Letting go becomes more about trust and belief in something greater than the fear that is being held onto. -Kristin Sven Larsen

Part 3—Embracing what life is offering through presence


Struggle is something that can’t be avoided at certain times in life. 

There are two choices that can be made when struggle appears.

It can be accepted or avoided.

Accepting the moment of struggle means seeing it as it actually is in the moment. That could be subjective, but what it really means is to accept what is being experienced in the moment.

Once resistance is chosen as the actionable thought, the struggle continues to evolve.

Avoiding can take the form of denial, repressing or blame.

Imagine avoiding who you are being, who someonelse is being, or what the situation is in the moment?

What is being created by avoiding?

Permission for irresponsibility and disregard for choice.

Accepting of “what is” in the moment gives permission for accountability and allows for personal ownership of the experience.

Accepting the moment filters down to fear. A subconscious thought may be, “if I avoid, repress or deny what is being experienced I will stay out of feeling hopeless and helpless.”

This may work for a brief time, then the resistance and struggle compiles.

You cannot change what you do not accept.

It doesn’t mean you have to like what you are accepting. That is when the power of choice is is presented. 

Acceptance can turn into action. You can lead yourself to be in charge of the choices.

It is not about giving up and quitting. 

In that moment, accept the experience for what it is without the need to blame or avoid no matter what the fear may be.

Acceptance shifts the experience. It opens the door to welcome new ways of being.

New ways of being create opportunities and possibilities. 

Acceptance can be thought of as a mirror reflection of what’s possible.

  • Frustration – Satisfied
  • Irritable – Patient
  • Anger – Calm
  • Mistake – Learning

A realization needs to develop through the choices of accepting what is happening. It makes it easier to accept the fears that are being avoided because accountability is formed from being present in the moment.

Photo Credit: Jeremy Yap

Part 2—Embracing what life is offering through presence


The constructs of life are moments and experiences.

Within those experiences are the moments that accompany a choice. The choice to be present with them or let them pass by without acknowledging them.

It requires acknowledging them for what they are. Acknowledgment gets lost when they are viewed as what they are not or what they could be.

The experiences could be made from interactions with others or how a situation is presenting itself.

To acknowledge something means to admit it’s existence, to admit something has been received.

There are many aspects in life that can be acknowledged. It is part of the process of presence.

Acknowledge yourself. This could be through appreciation of who you are being in life or what you are doing in life. What you have in life. 

Allowing ourselves to acknowledge all our feelings and thoughts in their true form. With or without judgement. Simply acknowledging they exist.

It could also be accountability. Acknowledging mistakes or short comings. It helps to move from a place of fear and opens the window of possibility.

Most importantly, acknowledge where you are, in any experience. Being present to what is happening or the people you are connecting with in that experience.

Choose to acknowledge the gratitude for the experience. Then it will be present in the experience.

This means appreciating yourself, appreciating others and appreciating life. 

Celebrating all the elements that contribute to the moment you are living in.

It can mean shifting focus and changing the narrative. A perspective that creates hope and possibility.

It can mean admitting what is real and then deciding how to acknowledge the moment as it continues.

Photo Credit: Marcos Paulo Prado
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